TwingTec invited to present at Swiss Energy and Climate Summit

The Swiss Energy and Climate Summit in Bern brings annually key stake holders from politics, economics and science together. Held this year on Sept. 3 and 4,  Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard presented the progress of the energy strategy 2050, the CEO’s of Alpiq and BKW were discussing todays challenges of Swiss utilities and Prof. Stocker, CO-Chair Working Group I of IPCC discussed the latest UN climate report.  TwingTec was invited to present their new wind energy technology during the “solution session”. Managing Director Dr. Rolf Luchsinger says: “The summit has shown me once more the urgency and complexity of the climate question. The need for new approaches and technologies is obvious. We need to act. The very positive feed-back I received from various sides confirmed me that TwingTec is on the right track. The Swiss Energy and Climate Summit was a great opportunity to present our vision and our young start-up”.


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