
Dr. Rolf Luchsinger | COO & Co-Founder

Early in life, as a young fisherman and motorbike tinkerer, Rolf was fascinated by the perfection he found both in nature and technology. He also became more and more concerned about the devastating impact advancing technologies have on our world. He realized the key was to discover how sustainability, the essence of nature, can be achieved with technology. So, innovation became his dedication. Rolf is a physicist by training and has a long track record in both industry and applied research in both Switzerland and Canada. After starting his career at ABB, then later working at an innovative engineering company, he founded the Center for Synergetic Structures at Empa and the Swiss Federal Institute for Material Science and Technology.  Here, he led the development of ultra-light wings for more efficient energy harvesting. Once his team realized that these wings were perfect to harness winds at untapped altitudes, TwingTec was born.